Imagine being a baby chick, growing and developing within an eggshell. The first part of your life, you are not fully formed, not aware. Your body is expanding and unfolding from the zygote formed by the union of a sperm with the egg. As you grow, there's a point where your body is complete, and you spend the hours of a day, restless, pecking and tapping at the wall surrounding you. The shell develops fractures, but still there is no breakthrough. You have this yearning to continue, to seek something beyond the small boundaries of your shell.
Now imagine the shell has broken. What would that first rush of light and fresh air be like? What is it like to have the edge of your whole world only half an inch from your face, and then suddenly to discover the next world expands outward without limits?
My kids received one of those ant farms as a gift. It's a flat clear plastic case. As the ants build their tunnels, you can watch their movement because the walls are pressed so close together, there's not room for the tunnels to to go anywhere but up and down. It's almost like a two dimensional house.
At some point the kids got bored with their farm, so we took the ants outside to release them. The ants were functioning fine within the confines of the artificial farm, but once released they were very confused, and not just about new territory. They stumbled about, and seemed completely disoriented. They had walked up and down all their lives. They knew nothing about walking outward.
I found this picture around 1977 in a shop in Spokane, Washington in a bin of unidentified photos from antique stores and estate sales. I don't know who the kids are, or what year the photo was taken.