They are not silent like workhorses
Who are happy or indifferent about the plow and wagon;
Donkeys don’t submit like that
For they are sensitive
And cry continually under their burdens;
Yes, they are animals of sensibility
Even if they aren’t intelligent enough
To count money or discuss religion.
Laugh if you will when they heehaw
But know that they are crying
When they make that noise that sounds like something
Between a squawking waterpump and a foghorn.
And when I hear them sobbing
I suddenly notice their sweet eyes and ridiculous ears
And their naive bodies that look as though they never grew
But stayed children, as in fact they are;
But being misunderstood as children are
They are forced to walk up mountains
With men and bundles on their backs.
Somehow I am glad that they do not submit without a protest
But as their masters are of the deafest
The wails are never heard.
I am sure that donkeys know what life should be
But, alas, they do not own their bodies;
And if they had their own way, I am sure
That they would sit in a field of flowers
Kissing each other, and maybe
They would even invite us to join them.
For they never let us forget that they know
(As everyone knows who stays as sweet as children)
That there is a far better way to spend time;
You can be sure of that when they stop in their tracks
And honk and honk and honk.
And if I tried to explain to them
Why work is not only necessary but good,
I am afraid that they would never understand
And kick me with their back legs
As commentary on my wisdom.
So they remain unhappy and sob
And their masters who are equally convinced of being right
Beat them and hear nothing.
Edward Field---
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