When we’re young, our lives go forward with structured beginnings and endings. Middle school finishes, and high school starts. Chances are, the changes we experience are with a crowd of friends and classmates who are our age and in the same boat. The transitions may be rugged and scary, but we’re not alone. We're all freshmen in the new school together.
Later in life, we may have friends and family nearby, perhaps not. But sometimes our choices are a one-person leap. Sometimes we lack the courage to make the changes we need to make. Sometimes we lack the courage to stick out the situations we wish to stick out. Sometimes we have trouble telling the difference between the two!
A friend recently called me about chaotic situations in her life, looking for feedback. I shared with her something that once had been shared with me. 'Look far to that larger vision that calls you. Take a step in that direction. Focus on step one, don’t worry about step twelve, or one hundred and twelve. The details and people situations around you will fall into place.’ She said she liked that.
Live in the present with a sense of greater purpose. Take one step.
I told her exactly what I needed to hear.
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